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Bermuda Triangle Solved?

The Bermuda Triangle has always been known for the supernatural occurrences which have been experienced by those who dare to cross the area. Shipwrecks. Propelling through time. Arriving early to destinations. Malfunctioning radars and equipment. What is not so much known is the secret world which dwells beneath it.

Back in 1968, a professional diver, Ray Brown, claimed to have discovered an underwater city beneath the Bermuda Triangle. Though his claims could not be verified, scientists who analyzed the man believed his stories to be true, at least to him.

More recently, advances in technology have supposedly allowed French Explorers to see more of what lurks beneath the Bermuda waters and what they found, would astonish the world. Beneath the middle of the triangle's water, Dr Meyer Verlag's team claim they have discovered a translucent crystal blue pyramid, slowly rising from the sea bed.

According to the Explorers' sonar reading, the pyramid is larger than any of those found in Egypt. Coming in at least double the size of the great pyramid of Cheops. The crystal pyramid has two water-sucking holes near the top which could quite easily explain the cause of water vortexes and wave surges in the area. These new findings have certainly caught the eye of scientists, who are beginning to rethink the cause of occurrences around the Bermuda Triangle.

But how true are the claims made about the Bermuda's crystal blue pyramid? Well the truth is, they can not seem to be verified. There are no photographs or documentation of the expedition and according to researchers we do not have the technology means to accurately explore the area (not to say the pyramids don't exist; we just would not be able to locate them). The actual lack of evidence automatically triggers the thought of a hoax inside my brain. The real question though, is who started this hoax?

After further digging into the story of the Bermuda's crystal pyramids, I discovered Dr. Meyer Verlag ceases to exist. The only link of existence to "Dr Meyer Verlag" has to do with this particular story. With a little more digging I found out 'Verlag' translates to Publisher in German and that there is a publishing house in Aachen, Germany called Meyer & Meyer Verlag.

The publishing house specializes in non-fiction books related to sports. It was founded in 1984 by a father & son, then was taken over by the son and his wife the following year. After the couple's takeover, they began using the trademark Meyer&Meyer Verlag, which they continued to use up until 2002 when they acquired rights to publish under the brand name IRONMAN. By 2008, Meyer&Meyer Verlag had a department for e-publishing and expanded their website to include science and regionalia, which ironically both co-inside with the discovery of the Bermuda's crystal Pyramid. Could the Meyer's have completely fabricated the scientific discovery or is it possible the divers went to Meyer&Meyer for publishing resources?

Another theory concludes the American (USA) Government fabricated this story in attempts to keep cover of a secret underwater government lab residing beneath the Bermuda Triangle. The government of the United States does not acknowledge the triangle's existence what so ever according to the US Navy. It is not listed on the U.S Board Directory of geographical names either. Many American researchers believed the government to be hiding underwater facilities and in fact many pursuits of these facilities was said to be happening at the time news of the Crystal Pyramids was leaked. The American government hoped to veer off those in pursuit of their secret labs.

The last theory considered to do with the hoax, would make it not much of a hoax at all. It could be possible that the Bermuda triangle is actually the lost city of Atlantis. Back in 2001, a marine engineer, Pauline Zalitzki, along with her husband used a video robot approximately 750 metres off the shore of Cuba, just entering into the Bermuda Triangle's water. There the robot captured images of massive granite structures and what appears to be the ruins of an ancient city now submerged in water. Theorists' believe the ancient city was last inhabited by humans 11,700 years ago during the last ice age.

According to the legends of Atlantis, the city was powered by enormous crystals capable of still sending out erratic energy rays today. These energy rays are said to be strong enough to sink a boat or plane, which eerily co-insides with the mystery of the Bermuda triangle and/or it's crystal pyramids.

There is just one problem with Zalitzki's findings: during the last ice age the maximum sea level drop was 100 m, meaning this "ancient underwater city" would have still laid approximately 650 m below sea level. The only explanation for this would be if the land itself had sunk. According to scientists, this would not be an impossible scenario as the area where the city was discovered is prone to earthquakes. Still, it would be unlikely for a city to remain intact after plunging over 600m into the sea during an earthquake scenario.

Although we may not have the resources or proof to discover what is really beneath these mysterious waters yet, something tells me we may find out some time in the near future.

The Sunken City of Cuba - Pauline Zalitzki Video Robot (2001)


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