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Alien Existence in Canada

Canada is home to the world's first UFO landing pad built in St. Paul, Alberta. The founder of the landing pad is Canada's Former Defense Minister Paul Hellyer. Hellyer is a well established man with a background in engineering and politics. He is also known for unifying Canada's Navy, Air Force and Army into what is now known as the Canadian Forces.

St. Paul is a town well identified with the belief of aliens and inter galactic life. In fact many elders in the community were involved in the building of the UFO landing pad, built just 2 years before man first stepped foot on the moon. The whole idealism of alien life became such a staple for St. Paul, deciding to host UFO conferences in 1998 and 2000.

The city of St. Paul has a monument which reads:

"As Mankind stands on the threshold of inter galactic travel, let us not forget our failures on Earth. If we are to become voyageurs of space, we must learn the true meaning of tolerance to others that are different than us. We must remember that no matter how large the universe the smallest creature has it's place in the order of life. If we fail to conquer disease and pestilence on Earth, but instead transmit them to other planets, we will be welcome. If we fail to travel Earth without destroying the environment, how shall we ever travel the universe safely. If we cannot develop international goodwill among all men, how shall we ever develop inter galactic goodwill among all beings. Lastly, if mankind travels this Earth or universe armed with kindness, tolerance, hope and good spirits, he will always be welcomed."

The town of St. Paul receives numerous reports of cattle mutilation, such as eyes being ripped out or the ears being cut off, but never any blood evident at the scene. Cattle mutilation is practically unheard of, nobody has ever been caught doing a cattle mutilation. People blame these disturbing sites on the work of aliens.

Hellyer, founder of the UFO landing pad, is also widely known for his claims that there are at least 4 different types of aliens with different agendas who have been visiting Earth for thousands of years including a species known as "Tall Whites", which work with the American government. Hellyer also claims that after aliens seen an atomic bomb go off on Earth, they deemed us a threat to the cosmos and are scared we will repeatedly set them off. The aliens want to help us become greener and live in better ways but are waiting for human consent. Aliens are light years ahead of us in technology, they would be willing to share more with us if we would approach them more peacefully, according to Hellyer.

Another Canadian UFOlogist, Stanton Friedman, found a private copy of Project Blue Book Special Report no. 14 (the largest alien study ever done for the U.S Government) in a California University library. He was swooped into the world of UFOlogy after the U.S Air Force Secretary claimed the nonexistence of aliens during a press release, but learned 21.5% of the reported cases in Project Blue Book could not be explained nor solved. Unlike Paul Hellyer, Friedman does not know whether the aliens wish to be peaceful with us because to them, we appear like a primitive society whose main activity is tribal warfare.

Back in October of 1967, Nova Scotia RCMP received several reports of bright lights crashing just off the shore of Shag Harbour from civilians, pilots, fisherman and their own officers. Witnesses claimed they thought it was "a doomed aircraft", but those close enough to the water were in awe to see a giant, orange, glowing sphere about 300 meters away. The sphere slowly slipped beneath the surface and disappeared. According to military records, the search throughout the days following ended with nothing. No wreckage, No bodies. Nothing at all was found except a long trail of bubbling, yellow foam. Shag Harbour's UFO Society president was present, waterside, at the time of the occurrence. He swears he seen divers pull something from the water, but never came to find out what it could have been.

Do you believe in extra terrestrial life? Could different Alien species be walking among us today? I guess we will have to wait and see what the future reveals.


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