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Unknown Track - Unknown Artist



What Does Your Blood Say About You?

Among all of the humans in the world, there are four base types of blood. A, B, AB and O. What most people don't know is that our blood type can tell us about what diseases we may susceptible to, reactions to stress, dietary needs, gut bacteria and big personality traits.

Blood Type A -

Majority of type A patrons favor structure and routine in a happy, supportive and social environment. As societal changes have caused humans to live more isolated and solitary lives, people with type A blood may find it harder to achieve their need for positive interaction. In regards to dietary needs, people with blood type A do best with vegetarian diets due to their sensitive immune systems. However, with special diet considerations and gentle exercise any type A person will maximize their overall health potential. Look for foods marked 'organic', 'fresh' and 'pure'.

Type A's tend to be described as "sensitive" people with great detail orientation and analytical skills. Recommendations for living a healthy type A lifestyle include a consistent daily routine, avoid anxious eating and more protein in the morning (less in the evening).

People with blood type A also have naturally high levels of stress, typically in the morning and decreasing throughout the day. Additional stress can end up being manifested in other ways such as sleep deprivation and blood thickening, or in extreme cases, the development of OCD. Doctors recommend limiting caffeine, sugar and alcohol intake to combat high stress levels. It is also recommended to avoid large crowds with loud noises, negative emotions and smoking for the same reasons.

Blood Type B -

Blood Type B actually originated in the Himalayan Highlands - modern day Pakistan and India - which may account for why people of this blood type are highly adaptable to climate change. 'B' stands for balance in the dietary needs of this blood type. Doctors recommend keeping a good balance of animal and organic products. Foods such as corn, wheat , tomatoes, peanuts and sesame seeds induce weight gain for Type B patrons and slow the metabolic process. People with type B blood are also advised to avoid chicken because the lectins in the chicken will attack the patrons blood stream, potentially leading to strokes or immune system deficiency. Doctors recommend the replacement of lamb, rabbit or mutton. Other diet friendly food suggestions for this blood type are green vegtables, eggs and low-fat dairy.

According to psychological studies people with blood type B have been described as "easy going","creative" and "idealistic". They tend to have a more intuitive side and be good learners through listening. Type B's enjoy their sleep, usually getting at least 8 hours a night. With age, type B's have been know to suffer memory loss.

Similar to type A, In stressful situations, people with type B blood produce higher amounts of cortisol (the hormone causing stress) than others. High levels of stress can cause suppression to the immune system, brain 'fog', disrupted sleep patterns and even depression. Luckily for this blood type, they have a Nitric oxide molecule, to help combat and relieve stress quicker. Unfortunately, having blood type B also increases a person's risk of developing Syndrome X. However majority of doctors agree that a healthy type B is healthier than all other blood types.

Blood Type AB -

AB blood is rare making up less than 5% of the world's population blood type. It is also the newest of the blood types originating about 12 centuries ago as a result of intermingling blood types, rather than evolution. Type AB people are often described as "emotional", "empathetic" and "trusting" however they often send mixed emotions about their mental health. Marilyn Monroe and John F. Kennedy both had this mysterious, modern blood type.

Doctors recommend AB's to eat tofu, seafood, dairy and green vegetables while avoiding smoked or cured meats. The low stomach acid of AB patrons can be easily susceptible to stomach cancer. For those who experience digestive issues due to inadequate stomach acid, doctors recommend eating smaller meals more frequently.

Unlike type A or B, type AB produces adrenaline-like hormones in the body during times of stress. However, the Nitric Oxide passed on to this type from type B causes the patron to experience high emotions. Internalizing your feelings can be very dangerous to your health. In stressful situations type AB's should avoid caffeine, alcohol and sugar. Doctors recommend exercising to maintain a good emotional state and reduce stress.

Blood Type O -

My favorite blood type, mostly because it is my own but also because type O is the only blood type which carries two opposing antibodies. While those with type O blood are seemingly immune to many common illnesses and diseases which plagued ancestor's before them, type O's have the highest rate of ulcers of any kind and high risk of thyroid disorders.

People with blood type O tend to have higher levels of stomach acid which give them the ability to digest meals with proteins and fats. O's digest and use animal products more efficiently than other blood types, they also better assimilate calcium into the body and have the ability to heal their own digestive track better than others. Unfortunately, great features do come at great costs as carbohydrates and grains can cause unwanted inflammation and auto-immunity. Caffeine can be particularly harmful to type O's because it raises the adrenaline levels in the body, which are already very high for O's. Doctors recommend type O's to eat a lean, organic meats as well as organic fruits and vegetables.

Similar to type AB, type O blood releases adrenaline-like hormones in the body when under stress which tends to cause an immediate "fight or flight" response. This results in excessive bouts of anger, temper tantrums, hyperactivity and the possibility of a manic episode. People with type O blood are vulnerable to destructive behaviors such as gambling, sensation seeking, risk taking, substance abuse and impulsive behaviors when depressed, bored or overly tired. This is because the dopamine released holds a powerful relationship with the feeling of reward. People with type O blood require exercise to maintain a healthy emotional and physical balance, with the most beneficial exercise being aerobics.

The truth is, your blood can tell you more about yourself than you ever knew.


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