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The School of My Dreams

I did not exactly have a blast in high school so after finishing high school, I was not looking forward to spending another few years at some college. Now I enjoy learning but I don't need, or even want, all the extra 'fluff' of a college kid life. By that I mean dorm rooms, football games, pep rallies etc. I come from a low income family which means I could barely afford to go to post secondary let alone all of the costs associated with maintaining an average college kid's social life. My goal was to get my education and be able to say I did it.

The ideal college for me offers quick courses, time crunching schedules but still offers the capability and flexibility to work an maintain an income for myself. This is exactly what I found offered at Canadian Tourism College!

CTC is an industry professionalized private college with two campuses in Vancouver and Surrey, British Columbia. They offer diplomas and certificates in hospitality, tourism and related fields for both Canadian and International students.

At Canadian Tourism College I maintain a full-time hospitality or tourism industry! student status in a college diploma program by attending classes just 3 days a week. I am also working part time for an event company to maintain my rent, groceries and other spendings. And did I mention my diploma program is just 10 months long!? No summer break this year but it will be more than worth it!

Aside from the awesome flexibility at CTC; they also offer small classes which gives the students the opportunity to really get to know their professors. All of the teachers are industry experts with lots of experience and knowledge to share; they do an excellent job making sure the students understand the course material and if you need extra help there is no reason to be shy, just ask!

Canadian Tourism College has rekindled my passion for learning and love for school. I definitely recommend attending.

You can recognize us in the community by our signature black and white business casual outfits complete with a baby blue scarf or tie like mine in the photo above. Stop by one of the campuses if you are interested in making a move in the hospitality or tourism industry!

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